at copyright source code of each right persons, if using these source code or copy or distribute these, please contact with e-mail or telephon or mobile telephon or bbs on website with a right person or contact to placement to connect kuu room to these right persons with mamabo-ru or move works or cars or bus or trains. exists an english cases on these copyright persons.
important is needs to write e-mail address or telephon number or mobile telephon number or url of website with bbs or existing placement. no put in these copyright lists if not write contact code or write lay or dummy or nearly or ararly these contact code and no put in software code in sakura editer source code. if exists persons of no write contact code or write dummy or lay or nearly or ararly these contact code, licence agreement is no write code or delete written code or free lisence - any movement is agrees or zlib/libpng license or GNU Public Lisence. if no folow of this agreement, is no write code or delete written code or may exists deletions to no folow agreement persons.
may change license agreement with no messages. must needs to fit updated license agreement.
easy license agreement is please contact gentaro of following sakura-editer copyright.
> easy license agreement is please contact gentaro of following sakura-editer copyright. ついか easy license agreement is please contact gentaro of following sakura-editer copyright.
on coding zlib/libpng license on file top, do apply it to on coding source code area on its folowing area in file. on sort of coding contact lisence on file top, do apply it to on coding source code area on its folowing area in file. on melding lisence agreement to code, do apply this lisence agreement. if do not consent lisence agreemen of on file top, do not write code on its file.
contact lisence agreement
This source code is designed for sakura editor. Please contact the copyright holder to use this code for other purpose. @upline0-28
> on coding zlib/libpng license on file top, do apply it to on coding source code area on its folowing area in file. > on sort of coding contact lisence on file top, do apply it to on coding source code area on its folowing area in file. なおし on coding zlib/libpng license on file top, do apply it to on coding source code area on its folowing area in a file. on sort of coding contact lisence on file top, do apply it to on coding source code area on its folowing area in a file.
> at copyright source code of each right persons, if using these source code or copy or distribute these, > please contact with e-mail or telephon or mobile telephon or bbs on website with a right person or > contact to placement to connect kuu room to these right persons with mamabo-ru or move works or cars or > bus or trains. exists an english cases on these copyright persons.
at copyright source code of each right persons, if using these source code or copy or distribute these, please contact with e-mail or telephon or mobile telephon or bbs on website with a right person or contact to placement to connect kuu room to these right persons with mamabo-ru or move works or cars or bus or trains. exists an english cases on these copyright persons. source code on website is freely distribute or copy these but not use these whtout contact right persons. if input creating ones with source code by only read or distribute or copy source code, must not distribute or read or copy these without contact right persons.